The tradition of Mikuláš, čert and anděl, or St. Nicholas, the devil and the angel, was brought to Birmingham this December. Mikuláš rewards all good children with a little present, while the devil is to remind them what might happen if they're naughty. The event was full of fun for the kids and their parents, with pottery painting, games for kids, face painting and goulash. It was open to all communities who could find out about this peculiar Czech and Slovak tradition and it was also attended by official guests from the Council, WM Police and Fire Services. ------------------- V prosinci jsme oslavili Mikuláše, který se v Birminghamu zastavil i s čertem a andělem. Mikulášskou oslavu doprovázely různé aktivity pro děti i rodiče, jako malování keramiky, hry, zdobení perníčků a nechyběl ani domácí guláš. Na oslavu byly pozvány i ostatní komunity žijící v Birminghamu a mezi oficiálními hosty nechyběli ani zástupci magistrátu a policejního a požárního sboru West Midlands.
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