Dnes 18.6.2023 proběhl ceremoniál slavnostního položení věnců v Jephson Garden Leamington Spa k upomínce 81. výročí úmrtí v pražském kostele sv. Cyrila a Metoděje sedmi parašutistů bokujících s nacistickými vojáky pořádáné spolkem Friends of the Czechoslovak Memorial Fountain Leamington Spa.
Bylo nám ctí se zůčastnit Czech School Warwick a Slovak School Warwick , Czech & Slovak Club England. Today Gerry Manolas Chair of the MAFCSV had the privilege of laying flowers at the commemorative service at Leamington Spa organised by the Friends of the Czechoslovak Freedom Fountain. Czechoslovak Freedom Fountain Stephen Loquens their Chair, led the event to remember the 7 paratroopers who died in the Crypt of St Cyril and St Methodius, Prague this day 81 years ago. There were speeches from H.E Marie Chatardová Ambassador of the Czech Republic Czech Embassy London and Marcel Babicz, Deputy Ambassador, and the children of the Slovak School Warwick & the Czech and Slovak Club Warwick led the singing of the national anthems. Slovak School Warwick Wreaths and flowers were laid by the Czech Ambassador and the Deputy Slovak Ambassador and their Defence Attaches’, local dignitaries and RBL representatives, Georgina and Chris Pavel on behalf of the Friends of the Czechoslovak Freedom Fountain, and Czech Paratroopers who were visiting the UK. Congratulations to all those who helped organise a wonderful event. The brilliant red of the Lidice roses, planted by the fountain are a poignant reminder of the sacrifice these courageous and brave men made fighting for freedom and democracy, and the residents of Lidice and Lizaky who also paid the ultimate price.Památník Lidice We will remember them! #czechoslovakfreedomfountain #jephsongardens #leamingtonspa #mafcsv #czechembassylondon #slovakembassyuk #wewillrememberthem #neverforget #neverforgotten #operationanthropoid #czechoslovakveterans #SOE #jankubis #jozefgabcik #adolfopálka #josefbublík, #janhruby, #josefvalčík, #jaroslavŠvarc #lidiceshalllive #lezaky https://www.mzv.cz/london/en/what_s_new/commemoration_ceremony_in_royal.html
February 2024
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